Who runs this program, anyways..?


Kathryn (“Katie”) Beaver

Hi there, I’m Katie! I’m the founder of this breeding program, and the one who really fell head over heels for the wolfdog as a breed. I have a professional history working as a dog trainer for several years with a kennel that was called All American Dog Training, Grooming & More, in Burleson, TX. I also worked for several years as a licensed insurance adjustor with UPS Capital in Ft. Worth, TX, before I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2019. Although I unfortunately was injured and consequently had to separate a little over a year later in 2020 as a Lance Corporal, I greatly enjoyed my time in service and am very proud to have earned the Title of Marine. Since I returned back home to Texas after the Marines, I have enjoyed being able to spend time with my husband, Dustin, and my pets again. It was very difficult to be away from my dogs for such a long time, and I think we are all grateful that I am home. I currently serve as the Secretary on the Board of Directors for the Tamaskan Dog Register.

Thankfully, this has given me the opportunity to focus on my wolfdog and Tamaskan Dog breeding programs that I have been slowly building up to for several years. This journey first began when we purchased our Tamaskan Dog, Talia, in 2014. Growing up, I was involved in the breeding, showing, and dog sports world with AKC Irish Setters. Although I dearly love Irish Setters, I wanted to get involved with a totally different breed as an adult. I stumbled across the Tamaskan Dog, a new rare breed of dog who was being developed as an alternative wolf look-alike for folks who weren’t wanting to get an actual wolfdog. Although the Tamaskan Dog breed does have low amounts of wolf content (the breed ranges from 0% Gray Wolf to approximately 30% Gray Wolf), they are wonderful family dogs and companions. Talia came home in April of 2014, and we were hooked. The presence of low wolf content in the Tamaskan Dog breed spurred me to further research wolfdogs, and I began reading through every website and book I could find!

In 2015, one of our clients at AADTGM brought in two mid content wolfdogs… 11-week-old Anubis, and his 3-year-old brother, Nova. Unfortunately, their current owner was gifted the boys as a birthday present by her family and was not fully prepared for wolfdog ownership. She soon advertised the boys for sale, and we purchased Anubis the day after he turned 5 months old. He quickly became a huge part of our family, and we haven’t looked back since! Reckless, our second registered Tamaskan Dog, who also happens to be an F4 34% low content wolfdog, came home in early 2016. Our first high content wolfdog, Cassie, joined us in 2018, about a month and a half before Talia gave birth to her first litter, the Texas Flowers Litter. Rose was born as a singleton in 2019, and I purchased Genn, our second high content wolfdog, as soon as I got back home from the Marines in 2020. He helped me through a really dark time as I was beginning the process of recovering from my injury while in the Marine Corps. We spent the rest of the year preparing for our third litter, and the day after Christmas 2020, Reckless gave birth to our beautiful Christmas Litter. I was later thrilled to welcome my first Tamaskan Dog litter in September 2022.

I’m so excited to see how my program and our family continues to grow in the future. I have worked with so many different breeds and mixes of dogs, but none have quite come close to my heart as wolfdogs have. They challenge me as a trainer, force me to think outside the box as an owner, and offer such a loving and powerful bond of mutual respect and trust as family members. I’m also so grateful to my husband, Dustin, for his help and support throughout this journey. I literally couldn’t do this without him!

I feel strongly that wolfdogs deserve breeders who will advocate for their health and wellbeing, and who will not only educate but personally mentor newcomers who wish to learn more about these amazing animals. I support several truly wonderful wolfdog rescues across the country, but it is also a privilege to be able to offer people interested in wolfdogs the chance to purchase a wolfdog who has been purposefully bred in an ethical program that emphasizes verified good health, sound structure, and solid temperament.

Photo Credit and Copyright belongs to Lindsey Miranda, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Lorien Studios in Grandview, TX.


Dustin Beaver

Coming Soon!