Pricing our litters is something that we have put a great deal of thought into. We want to offer high quality dogs that are priced fairly in terms of the average market, with consideration given to the amount of time, effort, and testing that we invest into every litter to make our breeding program stand out.
Low Content Wolfdogs (less than 50% Gray Wolf)
$2,500.00 USD Total Purchase Price NON-BREEDING
This pricing is for our litters which are expected to average less than 50% Gray Wolf, based on the Embark Vet DNA results for their parents. These puppies are sold on a strict Pet Only Contract which requires proof of Spay/Neuter between 18 - 30 months of age. Puppies sold on our Pet Only Contract are not permitted to breed at any time.
Deposit: $1,250.00 USD
The remaining $1,250.00 USD must be paid in full before the puppy is picked up at 10 weeks of age. We do not allow puppies to leave our property until the total purchase price is paid in full and our ownership contracts have been signed by the Buyer and us, the Breeder. We do not accept payment plans.
$1,875.00 USD Total Purchase Price BREEDING PROSPECT
Our Breeding Prospect Low Content Wolfdog puppies are Co-Owned with us, which means that we (the Breeder) and our Co-Owner buyer, both share legal ownership of the puppy. The puppy lives their life with our Co-Owner and hopefully matures into an adult that can benefit our Co-Owner’s breeding program. We retain the final right of approval for all breedings that our Co-Owned Wolfdog participates in, to ensure the wolfdog is being bred responsibly by our Co-Owners.
Deposit: $1,000.00 USD
For more information about how our Co-Ownership works, feel free to send us an email with your questions! You can also download sample copies of our contracts. Some of the terms of our Co-Ownership Contract are negotiable! The contract’s purpose is to make things as straightforward and beneficial as possible for both you and us, while keeping the wolfdog’s well-being in mind.
Mid Content Wolfdogs (50% - 84% Gray Wolf)
$3,000.00 USD Total Purchase Price NON-BREEDING
This pricing is for our litters which are expected to average between 50% - 84% Gray Wolf, based on the Embark Vet DNA results for their parents. These puppies are sold on a strict Pet Only Contract which requires proof of Spay/Neuter between 18 - 30 months of age.
Deposit: $1,500.00 USD
The remaining $1,500.00 USD must be paid in full before the puppy is picked up at 10 weeks of age. We do not allow puppies to leave our property until the total purchase price is paid in full and our ownership contracts have been signed by the Buyer and us, the Breeder. We do not accept payment plans.
$2,250.00 USD Total Purchase Price BREEDING PROSPECT
Our Breeding Prospect Mid Content Wolfdogs are Co-Owned with us, which means that we (the Breeder), and our Co-Owner buyer, both share legal ownership of the puppy. The puppy lives their life with our Co-Owner and hopefully matures into an adult that can benefit our Co-Owner’s breeding program. We retain the final right of approval for all breedings that our Co-Owned Wolfdog participates in, to ensure the wolfdog is being bred responsibly by our Co-Owner.
Deposit: $1,125.00 USD
For more information about how our Co-Ownership works, feel free to send us an email with your questions! You can also download sample copies of our contracts. Some of the terms for our Co-Ownership Contract are negotiable! The contract’s purpose is to make things as straightforward and beneficial as possible for both you and us, while keeping the wolfdog’s well-being in mind.
High Content Wolfdogs (85% - 95%+ Gray Wolf)
$4,000.00 USD Total Purchase Price NON-BREEDING
This pricing is for our litters which are expected to average between 85% - 95%+ Gray Wolf, based on the Embark Vet DNA results for their parents. These puppies are sold on a strict Pet Only Contract which requires proof of Spay/Neuter between 18 - 30 months of age.
Deposit: $2,000.00 USD
The remaining $2,000.00 USD must be paid in full before the puppy is picked up at 8 weeks of age. We do not allow puppies to leave our property until the total purchase price is paid in full and our ownership contracts have been signed by the Buyer and us, the Breeder. We do not accept payment plans.
$3,000.00 USD Total Purchase Price BREEDING PROSPECT
Our Breeding Prospect High Content Wolfdogs are Co-Owned with us, which means that we (the Breeder) and our Co-Owner buyer, both share legal ownership of the puppy. The puppy lives their life with our Co-Owner and hopefully matures into an adult that can benefit our Co-Owner’s breeding program. We retain the final right of approval for all breedings that our Co-Owned Wolfdog participates in, to ensure the wolfdog is being bred responsibly by our Co-Owner.
Deposit: $1,500.00 USD
For more information about how our Co-Ownership works, feel free to send us an email with your questions! You can also download sample copies of our contracts. Some of the terms for our Co-Ownership Contract are negotiable! The contract’s purpose is to make things as straightforward and beneficial as possible for both you and us, while keeping the wolfdog’s well-being in mind.
Registered Tamaskan Dogs
$3,000.00 USD Total Purchase Price NON-BREEDING
This pricing is for our registered Tamaskan Dog puppies who are going to NON-BREEDING homes.
Please note that, while we do NOT require spay/neuter of our non-breeding Tamaskan Dog puppies, our Pet Only Purchase Contract contains a clause that bans breeding these puppies and assigns consequences if this happens, even on accident. Please reference our sample Tamaskan Dog Pet Only Purchase Contract on our Contracts page.
Deposit: $1,500.00 USD
The remaining $1,500.00 USD must be paid in full before the puppy is picked up at 8 weeks. We do not allow puppies to leave our property until the total purchase price is paid in full and our ownership contracts have been signed by the Buyer and us, the Breeder. We do not accept payment plans.
About Tamaskan Dogs:
Tamaskan Dogs are a rare wolf look-alike companion dog breed that ranges from 0% to roughly 30% Gray Wolf. We are registered Tamaskan Dog breeders with the Tamaskan Dog Register (TDR) and the American Rare Breed Association (ARBA). Our registered kennel name is Tamaskans of the Ebon Blade.
Our Tamaskan Dog litters will be registered with the TDR and ARBA. Tamaskan Dogs registered with ARBA are eligible to compete in dog shows and other events hosted by ARBA, as well as other Kennel Clubs who reciprocate ARBA’s registry, such as the Kennel Club of the USA (KCUSA), International Canine Events (ICE), International All Breed Canine Association (IABCA), and International Canine Kennel Club (ICKC).
For more information about the Tamaskan Dog breed, please visit the Tamaskan Dog page of our website.
Special Note for our Non-Breeding Tamaskan Dog puppies:
Should a family end up changing their mind and would like to switch their Tamaskan Dog puppy from Pet Only to Potential Breeding, we are happy to discuss that with our owners in writing on a case-by-case basis. We understand that sometimes a puppy who was placed in a pet home can grow up to become an exceptional example of the breed, and that it’s beneficial to the Tamaskan Dog breed to be inclusive of breeding prospects.
If this petition were approved, the family would need to sign our Tamaskan Dog Co-Ownership Contract (rendering the original Pet Only Purchase Contract void) and we would purchase the dog’s breeding rights back from the family by paying them $1,250.00 USD, thereby changing the dog from Pet Only to a Co-Owned Breeding Prospect. At that point, we would split the cost of health, temperament, and conformation testing and evaluations 50/50 with our co-owners to see if the dog would qualify for breeding, and mentor our co-owners on everything related to breeding Tamaskan Dogs within the TDR.
Registered Tamaskan Dogs
$2,250.00 USD Total Purchase Price BREEDING PROSPECT
This pricing is for our registered Tamaskan Dog puppies who are going to POTENTIAL BREEDING homes. Please reference our Tamaskan Dog Co-Ownership Contract on our Contracts page to learn about our Co-Ownership terms.
All of our breeding prospect Tamaskan Dog puppies are Co-Owned between ourselves and their families. The dog lives with their family, but we maintain shared legal ownership of the dog’s breeding rights and have the final right of approval for all breedings the dog participates in. We split the cost 50/50 with our co-owners for all health, temperament, and conformation testing and evaluations for the puppy once it reaches maturity, and we act as a mentor so that we can help educate our co-owners about breeding Tamaskan Dogs within the guidelines of the Tamaskan Dog Register’s code of ethics and responsibilities.
Deposit: $1,125.00 USD
The remaining $1,125.00 USD must be paid in full before the puppy is picked up. We do not allow puppies to leave our property until the total purchase price is paid in full and our ownership contracts have been signed by the Buyer and us, the Breeder. We do not accept payment plans.
Adoptable Individual Wolfdogs
Occasionally, we may have a wolfdog who is eligible for purchase. They will be listed with their purchase price on our “Adoptable Wolfdogs” tab. Prices may vary.
Puppies who are younger than 6 months of age will be priced the same as the Litter pricing listed above. Wolfdogs who are older than 6 months may be priced at a discount. Please see our Adoptable Wolfdogs page for pricing on our currently available wolfdogs.
All adoptable wolfdogs listed on our Adoptable Wolfdogs page will be: Embarked, microchipped, spayed/neutered, and be UTD on all annual vaccines and preventatives. They will have a Health Certificate issued by our veterinarian within 3 days of pick-up, and go home with a care package that is similar to our Puppy Package for new litters:
Brand new large sized hard plastic travel crate
Veterinary records, including Health Certificate
Shared access to Embark profile
Microchip registration information
Copy of any OFA health testing certificates (CAER, Hips, Elbows, Patellas, Cardiac Auscultation)
Brand new leash, collar, and harness
Toys and treats
Brand new bag of kibble
Flash Drive with pedigree and photos of the wolfdog, their parents, and relatives
We feel it is critically important to obtain health information for all of our wolfdogs, to ensure that we continue to make the most informed breeding choices for our future generations. With this in mind, should the wolfdog be adopted before we’ve had a chance to do their OFA health testing (Hips, Elbows, Patellas, Basic Cardiac, CAER), we will cover 100% of the cost of these tests whenever they can be done. Our buyers are required to cooperate with us on selecting mutually agreed upon scheduling for these tests, and we will pay for our buyer’s gas to and from the clinic(s), the veterinary exam and x-ray fees, and the OFA submission fees. Copies of the health test results and OFA certificates will be provided our buyer for their records.