Application Process
We have a straightforward application and screening process for anyone interested in purchasing one of our Wolfdogs or Tamaskan Dogs. We have outlined the general process below.
Please note that there may be additional steps required in any given application. Every application is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and we reserve the right to approve and deny applications solely at our discretion.
Getting to know you…
Every application begins with a basic questionnaire, which lets us get to know you and your household, including what your daily schedule is like, and learn about any other pets you may own. It also allows us to learn about your past experience with dogs and other animals/species and how that experience can translate into preparing you to own one of our wolfdogs or Tamaskan Dogs. This questionnaire also enables us to verify where you live, so that we can double check the legality of wolfdog ownership in your country, state or province, county, city, township, neighborhood, etc. Please note that ALL of our Tamaskan Dog puppies will have detectable wolf content and are therefore subject to the same laws as wolfdogs.
Once the application questionnaire is completed and you have submitted it and have emailed us any supporting documents (such as proof of residence, relevant licenses or permits, photos and videos of your fencing and containment, etc.), we will review your application and discuss any questions or concerns that either we, as the Breeder, or you, as the Applicant, may have. This will include a phone call or Skype/Zoom interview, as well.
If it turns out that you live in an area where a permit or license is required to own wolfdogs, then you are required to go through the process of obtaining the permit/license BEFORE we proceed any further.
As long as it looks like you might be a good fit for the litter or individual wolfdog that you are applying for, we will need current photos and video walkthroughs of your yard fencing and outdoor wolfdog-proof containment. Outdoor containment is mandatory for all of our Wolfdog owners, even if your goal is for the wolfdog to live indoors. Outdoor containment is not required for our Tamaskan Dog owners. We are always happy to offer advice and brainstorm ideas with you on how you can install new appropriate fencing, or reinforce your existing fencing, so that your yard and containment is able to properly and safely contain a wolfdog. This means it needs to be impossible for the wolfdog to dig, jump, climb, chew, or otherwise escape. Secure containment and yards where the wolfdog will be off-leash are VERY important!
If you meet our requirements…
If there are no issues with your application in terms of your knowledge and experience, your yard fencing is secure, your outdoor containment is secure and properly set up with shade and adequate space, and as long as any required permit/license has been obtained, then we would consider you to be an approved applicant.
At this point, we will require you to sign our Declaration of Wolf Content statement. This document reiterates that ALL of our puppies, including Tamaskan Dogs, do in fact have Gray Wolf in them, which is detectable by DNA testing, and that they must be owned in an area where wolfdogs are legal.
We also will have you sign our Deposit Contract. This contract defines the terms and conditions for submitting a Deposit to our kennel, in order for you to reserve a spot in the litter you’re applying for, or to adopt a currently available individual wolfdog.
Once both of these documents have been signed by you AND us, we will then accept your Deposit. We offer several different payment methods for our approved Applicants to submit their Deposits, and we will work with you to determine the option that works best for you. The full amount of the Deposit must be submitted at the time of payment. We do not accept partial Deposits or payment plans for Deposits.
Once your Deposit has been submitted, you have secured a spot in the upcoming litter that we approved you for, and we will keep you updated throughout the remainder of the waiting period. We always notify our approved Applicants when the breeding has taken place and send updates throughout the pregnancy until the litter is born and our puppy raising process begins!
Please note that you MUST present us with your government issued identification, such as Driver’s License or State-issued ID Card, or Passport, upon arriving to pick up your puppy. This is an extra safety measure that we take to ensure that nobody but you takes your puppy home.
If you would like to apply for one of our upcoming litters, or to adopt an individual wolfdog, please click the button below to be redirected to our Application Form. Please be as detailed as possible when filling out this form, as it is the best way we can begin getting to know you. The application process helps us to learn more about you, as well as what you’re searching for in your next companion. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at wolfdogsoftheebonblade@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.