Past Litters
Here you can find information about past litters that have been produced by our kennel.
Texas Flowers Litter (Anubis x Talia - June 27, 2018)
Nine puppies were born to Anubis and Talia on June 27, 2018. Six of them are male, and three are female. Eight of the puppies are black, like Anubis, and one is a dark agouti gray. This litter is F4 and averages 35% wolf content. Click below to see more about the puppies from this litter.
Briar Rose Litter (Anubis x Talia - March 6, 2019)
One female puppy was born to Anubis and Talia on March 6, 2019. Rose was a singleton, meaning there was only one puppy grown and birthed in the litter. Click below to see more about this litter.
Christmas Litter (Anubis x Reckless - December 26, 2020)
Seven puppies were delivered via Cesarian Section to Anubis and Reckless on December 26, 2020. Sadly, two of the puppies, one male and one female, passed during the C-Section due to becoming overly stressed during labor. The remaining five puppies were large, lively, and healthy. Two are males and three are females. Much to our surprise, every puppy from this litter was agouti gray, when we had expected at least a couple blacks like their father, Anubis. Click below to see more about the puppies from this litter.
The Frostbrood Litter (Booker x Reckless - September 20, 2022)
Nine puppies were born to Booker and Reckless on September 20, 2022. Five are girls, and four are boys.
Reckless was bred to a 0% wolf content Alaskan Husky stud for a 1st Generation Tamaskan Dog litter that’s registered with the Tamaskan Dog Register (TDR) and the American Rare Breed Association (ARBA). This litter is F5 and is expected to average around 17% wolf content.
Booker is an Outcross for the Tamaskan Dog breed. He brings excellent structure and temperament, as well as a brand-new bloodline and genetic diversity to the breed.
The COI of this litter averages at 1%.